Friday, September 28, 2018

Week 8

Week 8
October 1-5, 2018

Spelling Words: Short u Long 
mule     fuse     plum    use    dug    cub     hum    their
huge   must     fun     rope     nose     look    yes              

1. Believe– to think something is true.
2. Delicious– good to taste.
3. Feast– to eat very well.
4. Fond-enjoying a great deal.
5. Lessons– things to be taught or learned.
6. Remarkable– not ordinary; wonderful.
7. Snatch– to grab quickly.
8. Stories– tales of things that happened.


Monday–  Spelling– Write spelling words 3 times each. .
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Tuesday– Math– Complete Practice Page, front and back.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Wednesday– ELA– Complete ELA sheet front and back.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Thursday– Reading– Read the reading passage ”Peacock’s New Feathers” and answer questions 11-17.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ____________________

Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 7

  Spelling Words: Short o Long o

box  fox  dog  lock pot  cone  home  nose  poke  rope  side line have off  took

1. adapt– to become used to a place or thing.
2. Climate– the weather in a place over a long time.
3. Eager– wanting to do something.
4. Freedom-the ability to move or be free.
5. Fresh– new; not spoiled.
6. Sense– a feeling.
7. Shadows– dark areas made by blocking light.
8. Silence– a lack of sound.


Monday–  Spelling– Write spelling words 3 times each. .
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Tuesday– Math– Complete Practice Page, front and back.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Wednesday– ELA– Complete ELA sheet front and back.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________
Thursday– Reading– Read the reading passage ”On the Farm” and answer questions 11-17.
Read for 15 mins. Write title of book: ________________________